Jeanne Guyon: Giving the present to God

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Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you. Psalm 37:5

“It is here that true abandonment and consecration to God should commence, by our being deeply convinced that all which happens to us moment by moment is the will of God, and therefore all that is necessary to us. This conviction will render us contented with everything, and will make us see the commonest events in God…

Practically it should be a continual loss of our own will in the will of God, a renunciation of all natural inclinations, however good they may appear, in order that we may be left free to choose only as God chooses: we should be indifferent to all things, whether temporal or spiritual, for the body or the soul; leaving the past in forgetfulness, the future to providence, and giving the present to God; contented with the present moment, which brings with it God’s eternal will for us; attributing nothing which happens to us to the creature, but seeing all things in God, and regarding them as coming infallibly from His hand, with the exception only of our own sin.

Leave yourselves, then, to be guided by God as He will, whether as regards the inner or the outward life.”

Jeanne Guyon (1648-1717) in “Abandonment to God” chapter 5 of A Short Method of Prayer (London: Sampson Low, 1875) 14-15.

On this Lord’s day, let us trust the “future to providence” while “giving the present to God” as people who are “contented with the present moment.” No one cares about us more than the LORD does! We can commit our way to Him and entrust ourselves to Him.

Many people are committed to the plan they have for their lives, their work, and their future. Others have found that abandonment to God brings peace and clarity. Afresh today, rather than strain to make life work, let us give our present and future to our generous God.