Biblical teaching for the Church, spiritual counsel for stewards

and professional advice for leaders to encourage Christian generosity.

Biblical Teaching for the Church
Generosity Monk is prepared to preach sermons, to teach seminars and to help church leaders move beyond offering basic stewardship training to creating a culture of generosity in their local congregation.
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Spiritual Counsel for Stewards
Generosity Monk desires to serve stewards of Jesus Christ by providing spiritual counsel for individuals and couples to help them grasp biblical stewardship principles and develop a generous and holistic stewardship portfolio.
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Professional Advice for Leaders
Generosity Monk can assess your fundraising program, help you map out a plan to encourage generous giving among your constituencies and provide coaching for ministry leaders who desire to help people grow in the grace of giving.
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To take the next step, contact the Generosity Monk. He wants to discuss your situation and can draft a proposal for serving you.