J. D. Walt: Two separate planes

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I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:12-13

“There are two sets of values that live on two separate planes — one visible and the other invisible. On the visible plane we have wealth and poverty. On the invisible plane there is abundance and scarcity. A person can be financially wealthy yet be possessed by scarcity to such a degree that they might as well be in poverty. In other words, there are many rich people in the world (on the outside) who live like poor people (on the inside). To the contrary, there are many poor people in the world (on the outside) who live from an incredible place of abundance (on the inside). Wealth and poverty are the external, visible circumstances while scarcity and abundance are the internal, invisible realities. Paul gets this and gets at it in today’s text . . . Abundance has nothing to do with how much or how little we have.”

J. D. Walt in “The Sad Truth Behind So Many Rich People” posted as the Seedbed Daily Text on 25 September 2017.

Which plane, which internal, invisible reality guides your life? Is it abundance or scarcity?

Workers who think money is the answer to all their problems work really hard, often at the expense of marriage and family. These people amass large sums of money, but it is never enough. In the end, their lives exhibit poverty and scarcity.

Alternatively, workers who realize along with the Apostle Paul that it’s not about having lots of money or possessions, but about grasping that Christ is all that people need. These people reflect true richness, abundance, and generosity.

As I prepare to talk about faith and work this weekend with a large group of men at Camp Spofford, I am prayerful because I don’t know what invisible plane they are on. Regardless of what mindset they bring to camp, I want them to leave having taken hold of abundance.

How does a person grasp a life of abundance? Jesus points the way in Matthew 6:33. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

In plain terms, when we seek and submit to the reign of God in every aspect of our lives (including our work) and pursue His right way of living, the rest takes care of itself. We learn experientially that having God is having everything we need or will ever need.

This does not mean life will be easy, but it will be abundant! Remember the Apostle Paul was in chains when writing today’s text, and still was content and confident because he had Christ. And let me remind you, a beautiful byproduct of abundance is generosity, but the latter is impossible to exhibit without grasping the former.