Hesychios the Priest: Simplicity and humility

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“Light is the property of a star, as simplicity and humility are the property of a holy and God-fearing [person]. Nothing distinguishes more clearly the disciples of Christ than a humble spirit and a simple way of life. The four Gospels should shout this aloud.”

Hesychios the Priest (c. eighth century) in “On Watchfulness and Holiness” 83, in The Philokalia: The Complete Text, compiled by St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain and St. Makarius of Corinth, Volume 1 (London: Faber & Faber, 1979) 176.

Thanks for your prayers. The teaching time went well in Milwaukee yesterday. Before flying home tonight I will spend the day with Tim Dittloff and other fellow disciples of Christ to encourage their simplicity and humility, for without these traits, our lives cannot reflect generosity.