Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Galatians 6:9-10
“Generosity is a strong, powerful, and mysterious thing. It changes us when we do it. It changes us when it is done…Generosity begins with Christ. Christ gave Himself that we might have life, joy, abundance, and freedom…Our offerings are valued as Kingdom treasures in Jesus’ eyes. He promises to give us more than we need so we may touch the lives of those in need. In our battle against the enemy, one of our greatest weapons is generosity…Living generously reflects to the world the God we serve…Generosity is worship.”
David Wills, CEO of National Christian Foundation in the introduction to Christ-Centered Generosity: Global Perspectives on the Biblical Call to a Generous Life (Colbert: GGN & KLP) 3-4.
Ever read a section of a book that sounds like a preacher who is on a roll? That’s what David Wills sounds like in the introduction to a great book, Christ-Centered Generosity: Global Perspectives on the Biblical Call to a Generous Life. Therein he tells a story of generosity from his childhood then rattles of the statements recounted above.
Why share them with you this morning?
I want you to grasp the paradox of generosity. “It changes us when we do it. It changes us when it’s done.” God’s generosity changed us from death to life, from slavery to freedom, from hopelessness to joy. When we share it with others it has the same effect.
Need encouragement not to grow weary? Read this book or visit your local NCF office. There you will find a friend to remind you to do good to all people just like Christ did for us, so that your living, giving, serving, and loving reflects God’s generosity. We are in a battle and generosity is our weapon against greed, selfishness, materialism, and a host of other sins.
Good word, David! Generosity is worship.