David DeSilva: High Water Mark

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But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

“God’s favor is surprising not in that God gives freely or uncoerced. Every benefactor, in theory at least, gave freely. Rather, God astonishes humanity in God’s determination to benefit those who have insulted and alienated God in the extreme. The high-water mark for generous giving in the ancient world was to consider giving to the ungrateful — if a patron had enough to spare after giving to the worthy beneficiaries. Providing some modest assistance to someone who had failed to be grateful in the past would be counted a proof of a noble spirit. God, however, exceeds all expectation when God gives the most costly gift, the life of God’s own Son, to benefit those who have not merely been ungrateful but have been openly hostile to God and God’s law.”

David DeSilva in An Introduction to the New Testament: Contexts, Methods, and Ministry Formation (Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2004) 298-299.

My scheduled has slowed down, relatively speaking. I have only 6-7 hours of meetings today. It’s a break from a 12-14 hour days I have had. It started well. I slept in, woke without an alarm, rode the elevator down to the restaurant level of my hotel in Delhi, and enjoyed some coffee and breakfast while reading and writing this post.

As I ponder the high water mark for generous giving, that God loved me even when I was undeserving, it fills me with new strength to live, give, serve, and love generously. Seriously, God has filled me with love and strength. People have asked me many times this weekend, where I get my boundless energy. Each time I have quoted this verse on the spot.

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20

One person who asked me is a follower of Christ. Another is a Hindu. I am thankful for the chance to share with that person about Jesus. I sowed seeds. It was a powerful conversation. While I can be arrested for proselytizing in India, I praise God I get to serve as a conduit of love who can testify about to the source of abundant lufe.

I appreciate your prayers for me. And right now I pray for you. I pray you can join me in aiming for this high water mark.

God, fill us with your matchless love and enthusiasm to serve. Give us your heart for even the most undeserving. And fill us to the high water mark so we can dispense your goodness freely, graciously, with kindness and mercy. Make it so Lord Jesus. Amen.