John R.W. Stott: Content

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But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 1 Timothy 6:8

“What then, should be our attitude to material things? Paul replies: But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. He thus reverts to the topic of Christian contentment. Luxuries are not essential to it but necessities are. These he calls food and clothing, the ‘what to eat’ and ‘what to wear’ which Jesus forbade us to worry about, because He promised that our Heavenly Father would give them to us. Paul’s word for ‘clothing’ is skepasma, which means chiefly ‘clothing … but also house’. So probably the couplet ‘food and clothing’ should be extended to include shelter, for these three are clearly essential to our journey.”

John R.W. Stott in The Message of 1 Timothy and Titus (TBST; Downers Grove: IVP, 1996) 150.

Hear Stott’s pointed words.

Food and clothing represent “the ‘what to eat’ and ‘what to wear’ which Jesus forbade us to worry about.” So why do most people worry about these things?

People worry about them because they represent the things that everyone needs. And yet, that explains why Jesus tells us not to worry about these things.

When we depend on Him for our most basic needs, we show where we place our trust and we show the world that He is worthy of their trust too.

What witness does your trust encourage. Do people who see you know that you trust God for ‘what to eat’ or ‘what to wear’ or would they say you aim to sort those needs.

The core issue here links not to the present but to the future. He promises to sort our daily bread and current covering or clothing.

The test comes when we get blessed with more than enough. Do we store it up for ourself or live, give, serve, and love generously, and trust the future to him.

You know where you place your trust for the things that are essential for your journey. Make sure you choose wisely because God knows too.