I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7
“Furthermore, taking on great endeavors for the good of humankind, or alleviating the needs of many people, or to giving glory to God, can occasionally lead to the expenditure of large sums of money, and to putting one’s material goods at the service of those great works. The magnanimous person does that if can, without hesitation and misgivings. Living the virtue of prudence, he evaluates all the circumstances, but not with a fearful or shrinking soul.”
Francis Fernandez in In Conversation with God: Meditations for Each Day of the Year, volume 3 (London: Scepter, 1990) 372.
After a rigorous week in India, I had about 15 hours on Thursday to rest at my hotel. In solitude this reading resonated with me before flying all night and day from Hyderabad to Bangkok to Seoul.
We can only accomplish great endeavors if we bring our energy and resources to the challenges without hesitation. Think of examples of this and the implications of our immediate action in everyday life.
The sports athlete breaks off the line in a race the second the starting gun fires, without hesitation. The professor, recognizing the teachable moment, asks a question that leads a student to transformation, without hesitation.
The mother of a newborn hears what sounds like noise to anyone else and jumps to respond knowing just what her baby needs, without hesitation. The giver sees an opportunity to bless others and responds, without hesitation.
Today marks another ‘without hesitation’ moment. Sarang Church invited me to serve as the opening speaker of the Special Global Leaders Convention. When the invitation came, I responded without hesitation: Yes.
I posted the event poster on my Facebook. I am humbled by the famous people who will speak after me. To prepare, I blocked time in my calendar for solitude with the Father, like Jesus, to discern what the Spirit would have me say. I got a clear message.
But I need your help to deliver it, without hesitation? Make a one-time gift to GTP here to help cover the costs of this around the world trip which has activated the peer accountability group in India and now has me speaking at this strategic convention.
But don’t stop there. Pray for my message targeting children, youth, and adults to engage actively in God’s work. Pray for it to result in mindset change that positions one of the largest churches in the world to play a catalytic role in Christian mission.