Francis de Sales: Attention

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Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

“Let us have a firm and general determination to serve God wholeheartedly, all our life long. Let us not ask to know any more than that there is a tomorrow about which we need not be unduly concerned. Let our concern be, rather, for the good we can do today. ‘Tomorrow’ will soon become ‘today’ and then we will give it our attention. We need to gather our provision of manna for today, and no more. We should never doubt that God will send another shower of manna on the following day, and the next one, and the next one, as long as the days of our pilgrimage will last.”

Francis de Sales in Letters, Fragments 131, 766.

Each of us reading this post has awakened to a new day. We rose from our beds refreshed (hopefully). God’s faithfulness remains new to us each morning.

So why, like the children of Israel in the Old Testament, do we try to store up for tomorrow rather than do good with what God supplies today?

The answer is clear. Our attention is in the wrong place. If our focus is not on what is in front of us, we miss the places God wants us to dispense generosity.

What is right in front of you today? It might be a child or grandchild. How can you be generous to that young soul? It may be person seeking advice. How can you assist them?

Let our giving today (and every day) relate to the people and the opportunities in front of us remembering that God will supply a shower of manna for each successive day.

As I interact with people from literally all over the world at L4, I am trying to give myself and my attention to them. Join me in doing this wherever you are.