Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done. https://biblehub.com/proverbs/19-17.htm
“The gold that you plan to lend, give it to Me, for I will give you better interest and better security. That body that you plan to enlist in someone else’s militia, enlist it in mine, because I will outbid everybody in pay and reward… His love is great. If you wish to make him a loan, He is ready to receive it at lavish interest. If you wish to sow, He buys you the seed. If you wish to build, He says; build on my property! Why run after the things of men, who are your beggar and are worth nothing? Run after God, who for exchange for little things will give you far greater.”
John Chrysostom in Homily’s on St. Matthew’s Gospel 76.4
Our Global Gathering begins today. Board members and staff gather from around the world for renewing relationships and learning. The first day is all about board and staff development.
In anticipation of a day of learning, in my daily office, my quiet time, I came across this sermon by John Chrysostom. It seemed fitting because of an email I got yesterday.
The email came from a friend who wants to challenge his colleagues at Kingdom Capital Fund to dig deep, to share richly, and to build a large matching gift to inspire others.
As I prayed for him this morning, and for our day here in Istanbul, I thought of the words of Chrysostom. Whether it’s the givers to KCF or the board and staff of GTP, we all need to run after God and give him our little things.
Whatever we have, when we give it to Him, results in a far greater return. We see more impact, we experience more blessing, we motivate more service, we inspire more generosity.
I pray that everyone reading this will give what they have to God. Quit being in God’s audience and join His army. Enlist today. And if you wish to build, build in the geography of His Kingdom which has no end.
Many will convene in Istanbul, in part, because of what God did when I gave my life to Him. In building a vision to spread accountability in nations it has unleashed unfathomable generosity in even hard places.
Read the post again. then think what little things you can give to God. In return, get ready for far greater things than you could ever have asked for or imagined.