Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10
“Very often we do not know what is good for us; and what confuses matters more is that we think we do. We have our own plans for our happiness, and too often we look upon God as someone who will help us to carry them out. The true state of affairs is invariably the reverse of this. God has his own perfect plans for our happiness, and is waiting for us to help Him carry them out. And let it be clear that we can in no way improve on God’s plans.”
Eugene Boylan in This Tremendous Lover (Gastonia: TAN Books).
Our tendency in living is for us to want our kingdom to come and our will to be done on earth, right now, today. Notice how that’s the opposite of what God desires for us.
Boylan uses the right word here: reverse.
When we shift in reverse, and instead, pursue God’s kingdom and trust His plans for us and let him sort our happiness, everything changes.
We go from disappointed containers to delighted conduits of blessing.
Please, you owe it to yourself to put it in reverse today. And do it remembering the last and best line of Boylan: “we can in no way improve on God’s plans.”