Francis Fernandez: Multiply Enormously

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Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. 2 Corinthians 9:10

“We cannot rest content under the impression that there is little we can do in the course of our everyday professional work to promote the evangelization of the world. God will multiply enormously the effect of apparent small offerings of work well done, of prayer and initiatives that we can offer him. Besides, when many people do what falls within the scope of their capabilities, entire countries can be converted, as happened in the earliest centuries.”

Francis Fernandez in In Conversation with God: Meditations for Each Day of the Year, volume 7 (London: Scepter, 1993) 355-356.

Wherever you find yourself as retired or a homemaker, a professional or a student, or anywhere in between, please do what you can as part of Christian mission and trust God to multiply enormously your offering to Him.

In recent history, I think of South Korea. It went from having no Christian presence to serving as a missionary sending powerhouse in only a century. They showed the power of prayer and humble initiatives.

Pause. Consider what you can do. Do it and ask God to multiply it enormously. In my GTP work with 7,000+ workers in 134 countries and territories, I see God takes our efforts, combine them with others, and do the impossible.