Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing. Psalm 100:2
“We cannot imagine our Lord looking strained or irritated or reluctant, when the multitudes surge around him or when he washes the feet of His disciples. He serves joyfully, cheerfully, agreeably. And that is how we should carry out those duties that are a service to God, to society, and to our neighbor.”
Francis Fernandez in In Conversation with God: Meditations for Each Day of the Year, volume 3 (London: Scepter, 1990) 451.
Yesterday evening we walked to the Spice Market before dinner in Old Town Istanbul.
I pondered the spice that our service brings to life and to the world around us. Or that it could bring when we all resolve to serve the LORD with gladness.
Today we pivot from a time of learning together to a time of listening and discernment.
We will do this functionally (as board members, regional facilitators, country coordinators, and course moderators) as a basis for moving to more tactical discussions tomorrow.
Pray for each person to take a joyful, cheerful, and agreeable posture of service.
Pray for God to gently and clearly lead and guide us in the way we should go as we wait on Him. And join us. Wherever you are, wait on the LORD for leading and guidance and serve Him with gladness.