Sing to the LORD a new song, his praise from the ends of the earth, you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, you islands, and all who live in them. Isaiah 42:10
“I so desire, Lord, to travel the length and breadth of the earth preaching your name and planting the hope of your glorious cross in pagan territory. Furthermore, one mission alone would not be enough for me. I would want to spread your gospel throughout the whole world all at once, including the most distant islands. . . Do you know what gives me strength? I am walking for the benefit of a missionary. I believe there is one working far away, on the verge of collapse on account of his apostolic undertakings. To lessen his fatigue, I offer my own to God.”
Terese de Lisieux, Autobiography of a Soul XII, 9.
This post seemed fitting for me as I serve in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Scarborough, Tobago this weekend. It’s how God works. We make ourselves available. He sends us to distant islands. The next thing we know. People report that our presence impacted their lives and caused praise to God to go forth widely.
And I could relate to the source of apostolic strength to which Terese refers. When we empty ourselves for others. God replenishes us. We only get enriched when we empty ourselves. And not only do we find new strength, we lessen the fatigue and strengthen the faith of those we serve. It’s a paradox of generosity, one of many anyway.
While most may never visit Trinidad & Tobago (I know I never thought I would), God sends us out of our comfort zone to deploy our rigor and resources in service to others.
Perhaps you have been invited by your children to help watch your grandchildren 2-3 days a week. This may sap your strength, but it shapes the faith and formation of the future generation. Or maybe you could serve as a mentor. But you feel more frustrated than hopeful about helping an emerging worker. Might God have placed you fill the obvious gaps in their knowledge and experience. Or maybe as a youth, you liked church online. But you get spiritual food in podcasts and don’t engage with a small group or Bible study. Might God want you to pursue community for what you can both give and get.
Where might He be calling you to serve in 2025? If you don’t have clarity, take some time to pray about it this weekend. God may just have an island in store for you to bless people and receive blessing. That’s my testimony.
Here’s an article I contributed to the National Christian Foundation website that I just learned had posted live. Read it here. And stay tuned for another GTP trip report from Trinidad & Tobago by Monday. Read the trip report from this past week in Jamaica here.