The LORD is good to all; He has compassion on all He has made. Psalm 145:9
“The transactions of Providence are not seen clearly at first; the painter at the first makes but a rough draft of his picture — first a hand, then an eye; but when he hath filled up every part and laid on his colors, it is beautiful to behold. We who live in this age of the Church see but a rough draft of God’s providence, but when we reach heaven, and see all the lineaments of God’s providence drawn out and completed, all will be perfection and wisdom and mercy – kindness and love will seal the whole.”
Thomas Watson in Puritan Gems; or, Wise and Holy Saying of the Rev. Thomas Watson, Anglican Minister. edited and arranged by the Rev. John Adey (London: Snow and Ward, 1850) 115.
Watson keenly describes God’s generosity to all He has made as the transactions and lineaments of a painter. Each brush stroke may not seem to have a purpose, but when taken together, a masterpiece comes into view.
This teaches us that our generosity should appear likewise. It appears not as one grandiose action but as a long series of small acts done with great care, love, and intentionality.
The transactions and the lineaments take shape as imitating the compassion and care of God. What little things can you do today to show God’s generosity as part of a longer term plan?
Today marks the first of seven feast days of Lent. It means we can break whatever fast we have chosen and enjoy a feast giving thanks to God for His providence and care toward us.
When we see provision through the lens of providence, it does more than remind us that God owns everything. It shows us how loving and caring He is and how loving and caring He desires us to act toward others.
Today also marks my son’s 29th birthday. The transactions and lineaments of his life illustrate a fine young man of God whose generosity and compassion reflects our Lord Jesus Christ. I love you Samuel David Hoag.