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Thomas Watson: Spend and be spent for Christ

I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. Luke 16:9

“Use your talents for Christ’s glory; spend and be spent for Him. Let your heart study for Christ, your hands work for Christ, and your tongue speak for Him. If Christ be our advocate in heaven, we must be factors for Him on earth: every one in His sphere must act vigorously for Christ.

Many would have Christ as their Savior, but not as their Prince; but all who will not have Jesus as their King, will not have his blood to save them. In all which Christ commands, be as the needle which points wheresoever the lodestone draws.”

Thomas Watson in Puritan Gems; or, Wise and Holy Saying of the Rev. Thomas Watson, Anglican Minister. edited and arranged by the Rev. John Adey (London: Snow and Ward, 1850) 33.

Here’s a puritan gem for sure. Spend and be spent for Christ. Use whatever you have for eternal purposes. Don’t be like the person who wants Christ to save them but not deploy them.

I am wrapping up important meetings in Australia this week. I appreciate your prayers. Then home for a few days sand off to Pakistan. It does not make me weary because it’s the direction He leads.

We have a good King and the only wearisome place is not going where He leads and doing what He commands. How do you sense He might be calling you to serve in 2025?

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Gregory Palamas: Allow those who are under your authority and those who live with you to rest

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:28-29

“One day of the week you should ‘keep holy’ (Exod. 20:8): that which is called the Lord’s day, because it is consecrated to the Lord, who on that day arose from the dead, disclosing and giving prior assurance of the general resurrection, when every earthly activity will come to an end. And you must not engage in any worldly activity that is not essential; and you must allow those who are under your authority and those who live with you to rest, so that together you may all glorify Him who redeemed us through His death and who arose from the dead and resurrected our human nature with Himself. You should bring to mind the age to come and meditate upon all the commandments and statutes of the Lord, and you should examine yourself to see whether you have transgressed or overlooked any of them, and you should correct yourself in all ways. On this day you should go to the temple of God and attend the services held there and with sincere faith and a clean conscience you should receive the holy body and blood of Christ. You should make a beginning of a more perfect life and renew and prepare yourself for the reception of the eternal blessings to come.”

Gregory Palamas (1296-1359) was a monk of Mount Athos and later archbishop of Thessalonica in “In Defense of Those who Devoutly Practice a Life of Stillness” in Philokalia V4.349.

Today marks the final post in my look at “examine” in Philokalia, a collection of texts written between the 4th and 15th centuries by spiritual masters. And I feel convicted.

God has given me an apostolic calling, which often means that on the Lord’s Day I am working. Like this day in Melbourne, I will preach morning and night. This means that perhaps the day before or after I need to rest.

I am thankful my Saturday was just that, a restful day.

But I need to improve at encouraging those who are under my authority and those I live to rest. I feel I have simply given them permission and I need to give them direction in this matter.

Anyway, generosity after further examination today appears as soul care.

Do take rest on this Sunday or some day during the week. Direct those under your authority or care to do the same.

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Gregory Palamas: Wicked and unwatched

Be careful not to harbor this wicked thought: “The seventh year, the year for canceling debts, is near,” so that you do not show ill will toward the needy among your fellow Israelites and give them nothing. They may then appeal to the LORD against you, and you will be found guilty of sin. Deuteronomy 15:9

‘Be attentive to yourself,’ says Moses (Deut. 15:9. LXX) – that is, to the whole of yourself, not to a few things that pertain to you, neglecting the rest. By what means? With the intellect assuredly, for nothing else can pay attention to the whole of yourself. Set this guard, therefore, over your soul and body, for thereby you will readily free yourself from the evil passions of body and soul.

Take yourself in hand, then, be attentive to yourself, scrutinize yourself; or, rather, guard, watch over and test yourself, for in this manner you will subdue your rebellious unregenerate self to the Spirit and there will never again be ‘some secret iniquity in your heart’ (Deut. 15:9). If, says, the Preacher, the spirit that-rules over the evil demons and passions rises up against you, do not desert your place (cf, Eccles. 10:4) – that is to say, do not leave any part of your soul or body unwatched.

In this way you will master the evil spirits that assail you and you will boldly present yourself to Him who examines hearts and minds (cf. Ps. 7:9); and He will not scrutinize you, for you will have already scrutinized yourself. As St Paul says, ‘If we judged ourselves we would not be judged’ (1 Cor. 11:31).

Gregory Palamas (1296-1359) was a monk of Mount Athos and later archbishop of Thessalonica in “In Defense of Those who Devoutly Practice a Life of Stillness” in Philokalia V4.349.

As we draw near to the end of the exploration of “examine” in Philokalia, a collection of texts written between the 4th and 15th centuries by spiritual masters, we find a key idea that can literally save our lives.

We must not, as Moses wrote, harbor any wicked thought. Wicked is a biblical word for wrong. But notice the specific wrong thought we must not harbor. We must not value money over our fellow man. We must not treasure possessions over people. We must help others or be found by the Lord as guilty of sin.

Pause today and think about what you have and how you could use what you have to help others. Don’t exclude any part of yourself to the thought. Don’t let any aspect of your being go unwatched in this examination.

Why? Otherwise the evil one will worm his way of thinking into your life. The evil one will assail you and get a foothold. How does this take shape practically speaking? Let me reference my preaching tomorrow. I will preach on the Parable of the Soils from Luke’s Gospel.

Worldly thinking hardens our hearts. Against the needy we develop bitter or critical thoughts toward them. The world want them to reap the fruit of their bad decisions. Imagine if Jesus let us reap the fruit of ours.

Others harbor issues, like rocks in their lives. The Word cannot take root and bear fruit unless they remove them. Still more also have their faith choked out by the cares of this physical life. Both rocks and weeds can be removed.

My friend Jeff, who I visited in Adelaide this week, regularly walks his fields with a shovel. He collects rocks and removes weeds. Watching him impressed upon me the daily discipline of this work.

Walk the field of your heart this morning. What thoughts have your harbored like rocks? Collect and remove them. What weeds have sprouted. Uproot them. Make way for the seed of the Word of God.

The Word tells us to use what you have to bless others. Do it with thanksgiving that God did not spare His own son but gave Him up for us all.

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Gregory Palamas: Contend spiritually and cleanse the inside of the cup

For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. Romans 7:18

“Which is the place – the flesh or the intellect – most expedient for the spirit of evil that rises up against us from below? Is it not the flesh, in which Paul says that there is nothing good (Romans 7:18) until the law of life makes its habitation there?

It is on account of this especially that the flesh must never escape our attention. How can it become our own? How can we avoid abandoning it? How can we repulse the devil’s assault upon it – especially we who do not yet know how to contend spiritually with the spiritual forces of wickedness – unless we train ourselves to pay attention to ourselves also with respect to the outward positioning of the body?

But why do I speak of those newly engaged in spiritual warfare when there are more perfect people, not only after Christ’s incarnation but also before it, who during prayer have adopted this outward positioning of the body and to whom the deity readily hearkened? Elijah himself, pre-eminent among spiritual visionaries, leaned his head upon his knees, and having in this manner assiduously gathered his intellect into itself and into God he put an end to the drought that had lasted many years (cf. 1 Kgs. 18:42-45).

But it seems to me, brother, that these men from whom you say you heard such slanders suffer from the illness of the Pharisees: they refuse to examine and cleanse the inside of the cup – that is to say, their heart – and not being grounded in the traditions of the fathers they try to assume precedence over everyone, as new teachers of the law (Matt. 23:25-26).

Gregory Palamas (1296-1359) was a monk of Mount Athos and later archbishop of Thessalonica in “In Defense of Those who Devoutly Practice a Life of Stillness” in Philokalia V4.340.

There’s a lot going on here. Let’s unpack it.

To contend spiritually is to focus on the real factors that aim to hinder our generous living, giving, serving, and loving. They are spiritual. We must train ourselves to pay attention to them and we can have victory over them, like Elijah had victory.

Simultaneously, we must cleanse the inside of the cup.

When we focus on spiritual growth, we must avoid the trap of pride like the Pharisees. With Gregory, let’s simply ask God today what needs washing in our hearts so that we can live, give, serve, and love generously and have victory over the spiritual forces of evil.

God, as we examine ourselves, teach us to contend spiritually and show us where our cup needs cleaning. Amen.

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Gregory Palamas: Extremely pernicious

For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. By craving it, some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6:10

“For the desires that help men to live are not blameworthy, as is clear from the fact that they are with us from a very early age. Love of possessions, however, comes a little later – although still in childhood – and in this way it is evident that it does not have its ground in nature, but is a matter of individual choice.

Saint Paul rightly termed it the root of all kinds of evil, and the kinds that it usually begets are niggardliness, trickery, rapacity, thievery and, in short, greed in all its forms, which St Paul called a second idolatry (cf. Col. 3:5). Even in the case of evils that do not spring directly from it, greed nearly always provides the fuel for their sustenance.

Such evils, begotten of the love for material things, are passions of a soul that has no zeal for spiritual work. We can free ourselves more easily from passions that are a matter of our own volition than from those rooted in nature. It is disbelief in God’s providence that makes it difficult for us to eradicate the passions that arise from our love of possessions, for such disbelief leads us to put our trust in material riches.

‘It is easier’, said the Lord, ‘for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God’ (Matt. 19:24). But if we trust in material riches, this means nothing to us; we long for worldly, perishable wealth, not for a kingdom that is heavenly and eternal. And even when we fail to acquire that wealth, the mere desire for it is extremely pernicious.”

Gregory Palamas (1296-1359) was a monk of Mount Athos and later archbishop of Thessalonica in “St Gregory Palamas
To the Most Reverend Nun Xenia” in Philokalia V4.305.

As I continue my reading through the Philokalia whilst traveling in Australia, I have come to this section by a largely unknown monk, that I cited only one other time in 2014.

Back then, I located this quote: “When we coddle the flesh in order to foster its desires, then the passion becomes evil and self-indulgence gives rise to the carnal passions and renders the soul diseased.”

Today’s post echoes this idea. We must be careful about what we desire. The desire for wealth is “extremely pernicious” as it shifts our trust away from God’s providence. You can’t serve or trust in God and mammon.

Regardless of the level of supply we enjoy from God, we must make the choice to put it to work faithfully, give it generously, and not trust in it to sustain us otherwise the desire itself will lead to all kinds of evil.

Take a few minutes today to assess your desires. Assess if the love of money has a grip on you. The “love of money” simply means a belief that you need money to sustain you. Is it time to repent?

Do this because it is not the gifts of God (money and possessions) that sustain us – only God does. Harboring the desire for money demonstrates idolatry as our trust has shifted to the wrong place.

Repent today before this misplaced love causes you to pierce yourself with many sorrows. Literally the Greek implies you stab yourself multiple times leading to you to die a slow and painful death.

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Symeon the New Theologian: Forget

But God gives all the more grace; therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6

“At all times you should fear God, and every day you should examine yourself to see what good things you have done and what bad things. And you should forget what was good, lest you succumb to the passion of self-esteem. But where what was bad is concerned you should weep, confess, and pray intensely.”

Symeon the New Theologian (949-1022) in “One Hundred and Fifty-Three Practical and Theological Texts” in Philokalia V4.51.

Symeon urges us to forget the good we do, lest we succumb to the passion of self-esteem, also known as pride.

I am spending time with a forgetful person in South Australia. He’s done a lot of good and yet as today’s text instructs us, after examination, he has forgotten all or most of it. God has poured out grace on him in his humble state. Perhaps you can think of a person that exhibits both generosity and humility.

How do we walk in their footsteps? Symeon points the way. We examine ourselves and forget what is good. God help us with this. God give us grace to do more good, examine ourselves daily, and maintain a posture of forgetfulness.

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Symeon the New Theologian: Benefit

He called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Luke 18:38

Then the man said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped Him. John 9:38

“A man by the name of George, young in age – he was about twenty – was living in Constantinople during our own times. He was good-looking, and so studied in dress, manners and gait, that some of those who take note only of outer appearances and harshly judge the behavior of others began to harbor malicious suspicions about him. This young man, then, made the acquaintance of a holy monk who lived in one of the monasteries in the city; and to him he opened his soul and from him he received a short rule which he had to keep in mind. He also asked him for a book giving an account of the ways of monks and their ascetic practices; so the elder gave him the work of Mark the Monk, On the Spiritual Law. This the young man accepted as though it had been sent by God Himself, and in the expectation that he would reap richly from it he read it from end to end with eagerness and attention. And though he benefited from the whole work, there were three passages only which he fixed in his heart.

The first of these three passages read as follows: ‘If you desire spiritual health, listen to your conscience, do all it tells you, and you will benefit.’ The second passage read: ‘He who seeks the energies of the Holy Spirit before he has actively observed the commandments is like someone who sells himself into slavery and who, as soon as he is bought, asks to be given his freedom while still keeping his purchase-money.’ And the third passage said the following: ‘Blind is the man crying out and saying: “Son of David, have mercy upon me” (Luke 18:38). He prays with his body alone, and not yet with spiritual knowledge. But when the man once blind received his sight and saw the Lord, he acknowledged Him no longer as the Son of David but as the Son of God, and worshipped Him’ (cf. John 9:38).

On reading these three passages the young man was struck with awe and fully believed that if he examined his conscience he would benefit, that if he practiced the commandments he would experience the energy of the Holy Spirit, and that through the grace of the Holy Spirit he would recover his spiritual vision and would see the Lord. Wounded thus with love and desire for the Lord, he expectantly sought His primal beauty, however hidden it might be. And, he assured me, he did nothing else except carry out every evening, before he went to bed, the short rule given to him by the holy elder. When his conscience told him, ‘Make more prostrations, recite additional psalms, and repeat “Lord, have mercy” more often, for you can do so’, he readily and unhesitatingly obeyed, and did everything as though asked to do it by God Himself. And from that time on he never went to bed with his conscience reproaching him and saying, ‘Why have you not done this?’ Thus, as he followed it scrupulously, and as daily it increased its demands, in a few days he had greatly added to his evening office.”

Symeon the New Theologian (949-1022) in “On Faith” in Philokalia V4.17.

George had it all together from outward appearance. But when Symeon found him, he encouraged his inward journey by recommending a good book. Notice that to help a young person grow in the faith, we can share a good book.

Then notice how two Scriptures came alive in the lad. He saw his blindness and need for God’s mercy. And he acknowledged Jesus for who He was after hearing the story of the miracle of the healing of the blind man.

This led him to lean into the three passages that he had underlined as foundational. They would chart the course of his life. And the result was unspeakable benefit.

Are you pointing a young person to Jesus? Recommend a good book. Ask him or her what Scriptures stood out. Then inquire about practices that might shape their living and service.

Your generosity today could be to offer indescribable benefit to another person. Or you can live life and expect this service to be someone else’s job. The choice and blessing to give and receive is yours.

I am spending quality time with my CFO and other stewards in Adelaide this week. Last night I went out into the country with two friends Jeff and Scott. We had deep conversations in a peaceful place (pictured above).

And I have a book for each of them by Gary the Monk.

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Symeon the Metaphrast: A palace and a purple robe

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 2 Corinthians 4:7

“The spiritual state is like some royal palace that possesses many exterior courts, vestibules and outer residences; then there are various inner buildings, usually housing the royal robes and the treasure; and then, yet farther within, are the king’s living quarters. Someone still in the outer courts and apartments may think he has reached the inner chambers, but he would be wrong. The same is true where the spiritual life is concerned. Those struggling against greed and sleep, and continually occupied with psalms and prayers, should not think that they have already attained the final place of rest: they are still in the exterior courts and vestibules, and have not even reached the place where the royal robes and treasure are kept. Even if they are found worthy of some spiritual grace, again this should not deceive them into thinking that they have attained their goal. They must examine to see whether they have found the treasure in the pot of clay, whether they have put on the purple robe of the Spirit, whether they have seen the king and are at peace.”

Symeon the Metaphrast (c. 900-987) in “Paraphrase of the Homilies of St Makarios of Egypt” in Philokalia V3.335.

Don’t let the “metaphrast” title throw you. It just refers to a bloke that puts good writing to meter. It was a tool to help more oral learners remember good teaching in the middle ages.

And if this reading seemed confusing for you, let’s deconstruct the wonder in it.

Symeon wants you and me to liken our spiritual state to areas in a palace. We can remain in the outer precincts and think we have taken hold of life.

Then notice the group that appears as “struggling against greed” and “occupied with psalms and prayers.”

We might say in plain terms, these are people who still think they need some measure of money to sustain them and that their piety has gotten them to their final place of rest.

Symeon would say, no, and I would agree with him.

These people are winning the right battle and practicing the right disciplines, but to find the treasure in the pot of clay is realizing you can grasp the treasure of God in a cup of simplicity.

Generosity for these people is a by-product of having grasped what is worth more than money.

So if that all sounds too esoteric, know that the life of simplicity robed with the Spirit will deliver you from greed and take you to a place of generosity because you have the one thing you need to sustain you: God.

And here’s a good litmus test to see if you have found your way there.

Those who struggle with sleep may still reside in the outer precincts. You sleep like a baby without fear or worry once you have seen the king and found Him to be all you have ever needed and ever will need.

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Peter of Damascus: Fantasy, Forgetfulness, and the Examen

Tremble and do not sin; Meditate in your heart upon your bed and be still. Selah Psalm 4:4

“Thus he looks with wonder not only on the light of day, but also at the night. For the night is a benediction to all: to those practicing the virtues that pertain to the body it offers stillness and leisure; it encourages the remembrance of death and hell in those who grieve; those engaged in practicing the moral virtues it spurs to study and examine more closely the blessings they have received and the moral state of their soul. In the words of the psalmist, ‘As you lie in bed, repent of what you say in your heart’ (Ps. 4:4. LXX), that is, repent in the stillness of the night, remembering the lapses that occurred in the confusion of the day and disciplining yourself in hymns and spiritual songs (cf. Col. 3:16) – in other words, teaching yourself to persist in prayer and psalmody through attentive meditation on what you read.

For the practice of the moral virtues is effectuated by meditating on what has happened during the day, so that during the stillness of the night we can become aware of the sins we have committed and can grieve over them. When in this way through God’s grace we make some progress, and discover that in truth and not just in fantasy we have realized in either action or thought some moral virtue of soul or body according to Christ’s commandment, then we give thanks with fear and humility; and we struggle to preserve that moral virtue by means of prayer and many tears offered to God, disciplining ourselves to remember it lest we lose it again because of forgetfulness. For it takes much time to make a moral virtue effective in ourselves, while what has been achieved with so much time and effort can be lost in a single instant.”

Peter of Damascus (12th Century) in “Twenty-Four Discourses: Joy” Book 2 in Philokalia V3, 262.

As we explore the term “examine” through church history and its intersection with practice of generosity, many things have come into view for us so far in only a month. Two stand out for me.

Firstly, many early church fathers and mothers, monks and mystics, look back to David and the Psalms and have mapped a practice which Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) would later label the Examen. Let me remind you of the Examen. It has five steps.

1. Become aware of God’s presence.
2. Review the day with gratitude.
3. Pay attention to your emotions.
4. Choose one feature of the day and pray from it.
5. Look toward tomorrow.

In other words, the practice of examining our day on our bed emerges in our thinking as a biblical idea and not merely an Ignatian idea. In that light, like sufficient rest, a healthy diet, or regular physical exercise, it is good for our spirit, so that when combined with our physical body, we function as a growing soul.

Secondly, I see so much grace from God as I tap the thinking of saints along the way. Let me explain.

An honest look at one’s day often reveals a range from great moments to trivial pursuits, from stupid decisions to maximized opportunities. Rather than condemn us for our fantasy and forgetfulness, or allow us to swell with pride in moments of great productivity, God invites us to repent and rest, to feel and heal, but only if we are willing to go there.

He shows us through the saints like Peter of Damascus about 400 years before Ignatius, to examine our days and our ways and to make progress, but also to realize we can lose it in a single instant.

We discover, related to generosity anyway, that any opportunities we had to serve as conduits of blessing were simply fresh moments to be the person and play the part that God made you to be and play all along.

If that sounds too lofty, then just do this practice the examen today. And see what happens.

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Peter of Damascus: So-called Monks

I am worn out from my groaning. All night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears. Psalm 6:6

“Those who live in the world – or rather who live after the fashion of the world, for this includes many so-called monks – should try to attain a measure of devotion, as did the righteous men of old, so as to examine their unhappy soul before their death and to amend or humble them, and not to bring them to utter destruction through their total ignorance and their conscious or unconscious sins. David, indeed, was a king; but every night he watered his bed with tears because of his sense of the divine presence. And Job says [quoting Eliphaz the Temanite]: ‘The hair of my flesh stood up’(Job 4:15). Let us then, like those living in the world, devote at least a small part of the day and night to God; and let us consider what we are going to say in our defense before our righteous Judge on the terrible day of judgment. Let us take trouble over this, for it is essential in view of the threat of agelong punishment; and let us not be troubled about how we shall live if we are poor or how we can grow rich so as to give alms, thus stupidly devoting all our attention to worldly matters.”

Peter of Damascus (12th Century) in “A Treasury of Divine Knowledge: The Guarding of the Intellect” Book 1 in Philokalia V3, 105.

I love the candor or Peter of Damascus.

He beckons us, as so-called monks, to think soberly and not stupidly. To aim to attain a measure of devotion rather than occupy ourselves with worldly matters. And he does so by pointing us to David and Job. Good examples.

David watered his bed with tears and Job reports his hair standing up.

In David’s situation, he found himself embattled from forces within (his sin) and from without (his foes). For Job, the world might say he lost everything but he still held tightly to God, but it was hard.

So where does that leave you and me today as we examine our lives and ponder generosity.

Peter of Damascus might say this.

God does not need us to “grow rich so as to give alms.” He wants us to grow rich spiritually so we can navigate the challenges of life and not be swept away by factors inside and outside. The alms and generosity flow from that stable place.

Ponder this based on your own situation. Cry and find solace where David did.

The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer. All my enemies will be overwhelmed with shame and anguish; they will turn back and suddenly be put to shame. Psalm 6:9-10

And where Job did.

Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him: but I will maintain mine own ways before Him. Job 13:15

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