You therefore, beloved, since you are forewarned, beware that you are not carried away with the error of the lawless and lose your own stability. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. 2 Peter 3:17-18
“A monk should always act as if he was going to die tomorrow; yet he should treat his body as if it was going to live for many years. The first cuts off the inclination to listlessness, and makes the monk more diligent; the second keeps his body sound and his self control well balanced.
He who has attained spiritual knowledge and has enjoyed the delight that comes from it will no longer succumb to the demon of self-esteem, even when he offers him all the delights of the world; for what could the demon promise him that is greater than spiritual contemplation?
But so long as we have not tasted this knowledge, let us devote ourselves eagerly to the practice of the virtues, showing God that our aim in everything is to attain knowledge of Him. We should examine the ways of the monks who have preceded us, and achieve our purpose by following their example.”
Evagrios the Solitary (345-399) in the Philokalia, Volume 1.28.
As I examine the decisions that I make, not only do I invite you to join me. I would encourage you to think about the idea of choosing that which is greater.
On our last day in Bangladesh, our GTP team visited 3 of 9 orphanages that serve a total of 600 girls. At the end of the trip, I shared a draft of the trip report with a businessman who started the orphanage network.
He was so excited. His comments revealed that he knew how to make money running a clothing factory, and he knew how to start and run orphanages. But he admitted not know how to rally others to join.
From our conversation, I think with GTP’s help, within 5 years, he will have 6,000 girls in orphanages. But how does my story and the header photo above relate to today’s post?
We need to live as if each day is our last, but take care of ourselves as if we will live for a long time (notice Evagrios did not say stockpile money). We must abandon listlessness and instead choose the daily pursuit of knowing God.
For me, that means I want to help as many workers as possible to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ as far as possible to win as many people to lives of obedience to the God through whom all things are possible.
And I have learned that if I served orphans I could touch 600 like the businessman. But the greater choice is surrendering my dreams to serve 600 and following Him to equip workers to each touch 6,000 and more.
This reveals the secret of the monks that I have learned over the last 15+ years as Generosity Monk. Live a committed life, you see ministry grow by addition. Rally a community to choose the greater, you see ministry grow by multiplication.
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