“I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.” John 16:12
The Voice of Christ
My child, it is necessary for you to learn many things which you have not yet learned well.
The Disciple
What are they, Lord?
The Voice of Christ
That you conform your desires entirely according to My good pleasure, and be not a lover of self but an earnest doer of My will. Desires very often inflame you and drive you madly on, but consider whether you act for My honor, or for your own advantage. If I am the cause, you will be well content with whatever I ordain. If, on the other hand, any self-seeking lurk in you, it troubles you and weighs you down.
Take care, then, that you do not rely too much on preconceived desire that has no reference to Me, lest you repent later on and be displeased with what at first pleased you and which you desired as being for the best. Not every desire which seems good should be followed immediately, nor, on the other hand, should every contrary affection be at once rejected.
It is sometimes well to use a little restraint even in good desires and inclinations, lest through too much eagerness you bring upon yourself distraction of mind; lest through your lack of discipline you create scandal for others; or lest you be suddenly upset and fall because of resistance from others. Sometimes, however, you must use violence and resist your sensual appetite bravely.
You must pay no attention to what the flesh does or does not desire, taking pains that it be subjected, even by force, to the spirit. And it should be chastised and forced to remain in subjection until it is prepared for anything and is taught to be satisfied with little, to take pleasure in simple things, and not to murmur against inconveniences.”
Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471) in “The Longings of our Hearts must be Examined and Moderated” in The Imitation of Christ.
I took a quick trip to Florida from 1-4 January 2025 to start the year by spending some quality time with my parents, who are doing remarkably well for almost 86 and 84 years of again. In many ways I am examining their situation at Genesis Point in Lake Wales in authentic conversations with them how to best serve them in 2025.
God showed up at dinner last night in a powerful way. Someone in the restaurant, for some reason, felt led of God to pay our dinner tab. We don’t know if it was a person in the next booth who heard our conversation or what, but we sensed that it was God telling us not to worry about expenses related to this strategic time together.
Turning to today’s post, if we read the Gospel of John, by the time we get to chapter 16, from whence I pulled today’s Scripture, we see Jesus alerting the disciples to troubles that would come and exhorting them not to fall away. They could be of good cheer (and we can too) because Jesus has overcome the world.
And Jesus told them that He had more to say to them but it was more than they could bear, so He promised to send the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit that helps us mortify or put to death the desires of the flesh. Then, I continued my focus on the word “examine” in the thinking of Thomas à Kempis.
I loved this imaginative interchange with Christ. Basically Thomas writes that we need to watch what we desire because our desires can destroy us. For example, if I desire too many cookies, and follow after that desire, I can destroy my health. If I desire to much of anything, it can have the adverse affect. It can go from good to not good.
And I love how Thomas concluded this conversation with Christ. “Be satisfied with little.” Amen to that. “Take pleasure in simple things.” If we don’t we miss the best of life. “And not to murmur against inconveniences.” God help me with that one as I start the year. Join me. And I think this disciplined way will help us live, give, serve, and love more generously.
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