Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me. John 12:24-26
“Above all, it was Christ’s death on the cross that made Him the life of the world, gave Him the power to bless and to save. In the conformity to Christ’s death there is an end of self: we give up ourselves to live and die for others: we are full of the faith that our surrender of ourselves to bear the sin of others is accepted of the Father. Out of this death we rise, with the power to love and to bless.
And now, what is this conformity to the death of the cross that brings such blessings, and wherein does it consist? We see it in Jesus. The cross means entire self-abnegation. The cross means the death of self—the utter surrender of our own will and our life to be lost in the will of God, to let God’s will do with us what it pleases. This was what the cross meant to Jesus. It cost Him a terrible struggle before He could give Himself up to it.
When He was sore amazed and very heavy, and His soul exceeding sorrowful unto death, it was because His whole being shrank back from that cross and its curse. Three times he had to pray before He could fully say, “yet not my will, but Thine be done” (Matthew 26:36-56). But He did say it. And His giving Himself up to the cross is to say: Let me do anything, rather than that God’s will should not be done. I give up everything, only God’s will must be done.”
Andrew Murray (1828-1917) in Like Christ, excerpt from chapter 24 “Like Christ: Being Made Conformable To His Death.” 90-91. Click here to download a copy.
I am safely home from Central Asia. It was humbling to spend time with people who minister in “Voice of the Martyrs” type situations. GTP will plan program work in the days to come to help their churches and ministries flourish in hard places.
I love it when I read a familiar text and discover something new. I do not recall ever noticing that Jesus prayed three times. That’s there for us. Three is a number in Scripture linked to dying to self and surrendering to God.
Esther fasted for three days. Jonah was in the whale for three days. Of course, the death and resurrection of Jesus happened in three days. These are but a few examples. Consider the implications for us and for our generous living today.
Giving up everything is not easy. Grasping life only happens when we let go. Generosity flows from our sacrifice, not our surplus. We gain nothing unless we let go of everything.
That’s what it means to follow Jesus. God does not need our money. He wants our hearts – complete surrender. Does He have yours? If you are not sure, maybe go pray three times.
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