Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3
“When we serve someone with a smile and a pleasant manner it is as if our action has acquired an enhanced value, apart from its being all the more appreciated. And when a chance or the duty arises of offering a service which is likely to be disagreeable or even repugnant, do it with a special joy with the humility you would manifest if you were indeed the servant of everyone. You will draw such great treasure of virtue and of grace from acting in such circumstances in this way. Sometimes we can find this kind of thing hard, and then we will pray: Jesus, keep me smiling.”
Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci (1810-1903) in The Practice of Humility, 32.
Our time together at the GTP Global Gathering has exceeded all expectations. God has poured out His Spirit on board members, staff, regional facilitators, country coordinators, course moderators, and special guests.
Their zeal to serve with a smile to add enhanced value has brought them and everyone special joy. I could not be any more thankful at this moment. Special thanks to all our senders for sending us here with their love, support, and prayers.
Keep praying as we have a few more days and then everyone will be deployed to the corners of the earth. If that’s where you finds yourself while reading this, then please know this: if you serve with a smile wherever you are it may not change the world, but it will change your world.
One of my daily readers looked at the photo of the spices from the Spice Market in Istanbul and pondered which spice he would be. So I ask you to think about that and consider the implications for those around you.
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