Dr. Hoag is a published author and/or contributor to the following publications:
- The Choice: The Christ-Centered Pursuit of Kingdom Outcomes (ECFA, 2014)
- “The Teachings on Riches in 1 Timothy in light of Ephesiaca by Xenophon of Ephesus” (PhD Dissertation, Trinity College, Bristol University, 2013)
- Becoming a Steward Leader (CLA, 2012)
- “Decorum and Deeds in 1 Timothy 2:9-10 in Light of Ephesiaca by Xenophon of Ephesus” (Ex Auditu 27:2011).
- The Sower: Redefining the Ministry of Raising Kingdom Resources (ECFA, 2010)
- The NIV Stewardship Study Bible (Zondervan, 2009)
- Revolution in Generosity: Transforming Stewards to be Rich toward God (Moody Press, 2009).
Selected publications and their descriptions are listed below.

Description of The Sower
The purpose of this book is to provide momentum to a movement aimed at the heart of every person who is involved in the process of raising money or giving money for the work of God s Kingdom. You may be a full-time development officer, an executive director, a pastor, a president, a board member, a volunteer or a faithful giver. You may have decades of experience in fund development, or this may be the first exposure to this topic. If you care about giving or raising money for God s work, this book is for you.
This movement is a realignment of priorities that places changed hearts above changed bank balances. It is a new order that seeks to develop faithful stewards whose hearts are rich toward God. It redefines development work as ministry in the Kingdom of God. And it replaces manipulative techniques and closing strategies with a dependence on prayer and relationship building as the essential tools for success.
All that sowers can do is sow faithfully and wait and hope and believe. Sowers cannot play God and cause the seeds to grow. All they can do, and must do, is sow faithfully and regularly and trust God for the increase.

Description of The Choice
This book addresses what may be the most important and yet most unexamined presupposition related to ministry today defining success. Secular values beckon us to adopt the world’s way of thinking linked to most everything we do, and often we conform to cultural norms without even knowing it. There is the continual push for higher and greater results. When we idolize results that we think please Him, we actually fail to exhibit the obedience He asks of us.
So what should ministry look like? Jesus instructs us to follow Him. When we do we find ten characteristics from Christ¹s earthly ministry that are also evident in the early church. We call this the kingdom path. This book points the way and invites each and every reader to make the choice to take it.
If this sounds oversimplified to you, candidly, we think we are the ones who have complicated things. Remember, Jesus recruited ordinary, mostly uneducated people and gave them basic instructions. He used words like “follow,” “trust,” and “obey.” Are we following His clear instructions? When we pursue the kingdom path, then fruitfulness, or kingdom outcomes, are the by-product. The kingdom path is the only path that leads to kingdom outcomes.

Description of Stewardship Study Bible
The NIV Stewardship Study Bible uses a variety of engaging features to lead individuals through a comprehensive study of what it means to be managers entrusted with the resources of God. Through 366 Exploring Stewardship notes, profiles of individuals, notes on challenges to stewardship, quotes on stewardship from respected Christians throughout the ages, and other articles and helps, the NIV Stewardship Study Bible projects a positive picture of the privilege that we have to manage what God has given us to his glory and to the building of his kingdom. More than just money, this Bible emphasizes stewardly responsibility in all areas of life, including relationships, creation care, money management, institutions, and caring for the poor, among other areas. It’s been pulled together with the purpose of changing perceptions about what the word ‘stewardship’ means—not something intended to be draining and guilt-inducing, but rather motivating, empowering and uplifting. The NIV Stewardship Study Bible has been endorsed by Crown Ministries, Dave Ramsey, Good $ense ministries, the Barnabas Foundation, Prison Fellowship, and various other programs and ministries that seek to encourage responsible stewardship among Christians. This Bible will be a natural ‘next step’ for individuals and groups who benefit from these ministries and take part in their programs.

Description of Revolution in Generosity
A Revolution in Generosity is a work by some of the best scholars and practitioners on the subject of funding Christian organizations. As Willmer writes, “The foundation for realizing a revolution in generosity is understanding the biblical view of possessions, generosity, and asking for resources.” With over twenty expert contributors, this book is a must-read for organizations striving to rid themselves of secular, asking practices and gain an eternal approach. As Wes Willmer writes, generosity is the natural outcome of God’s transforming work in individuals when they are conformed to the image of Christ. Fundraising and giving are not simply drops in the bucket. Capital campaigns and raising funds go deeper than the money. They are spiritual activities in becoming more like Christ.

Description of Ex Auditu
Ex Auditu began as the journal incorporating the papers of the Fredrick Neumann Symposium of Princeton Theological Seminary. After the first four volumes the journal began publishing the papers from the North Park Symposium on the Theological Interpretation of Scripture. The intent from the first has been to provide a forum for doing interdisciplinary theology from a biblical perspective for the benefit of the Church. Each annual publication focuses on a topic crucial to the life of today’s Church. Additionally, each issue contains an annotated bibliography and a sermon, which makes it a practical guide for pastors.
Gary’s article is in Volume 27: Money and Possessions, published in 2012

Description of PhD Dissertation
Gary’s PhD dissertation focused on the teaching in 1 Timothy in light of
Ephesiaca by Xenophon of Ephesus. You can download the abstract