Abba Euprepius: Share what is His

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“Abba Euprepius said, ‘Knowing that God is faithful and mighty, have faith in Him, and you will share what is His. If you are depressed, you do not believe. We all believe that He is mighty and we believe all is possible to Him. As for your own affairs, behave with faith in Him about them, too, for He is able to work miracles in you also.'”

Abba Euprepius (c. 4th century) as cited by John Chryssavgis in In the Heart of the Desert: The Spirituality of the Desert Fathers and Mothers (Bloomington, IN: World Wisdom) 61.

Why continue to explore generosity and sharing through the eyes of the desert fathers? I appreciate their candor.

For example, the sharing of our surplus today is rooted in the belief that God will provide faithfully, sometimes even miraculously for us, tomorrow. Depression and fear surface when we choose the path of disbelief that God is our Provider. So whenever we disobediently hoard for ourselves, worry dominates us rather than peace.

Abba Euprepius reminds his brothers and sisters (and us!) that faith is the only pathway to take with regard to all of life and the handling of possessions. Cheerful sharing of that which belongs to God reveals where we are placing our trust. What are you doing with the portion of God’s abundant resources that exceeds your needs?