Leon Morris and Alfred Edersheim: Travel Light

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When Jesus had called the Twelve together, He gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. He told them: “Take nothing for the journey — no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt.” Luke 9:1-3

“The Twelve were to travel light. Jesus told them to take nothing with them, and he spelled this out with no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money. They are to concentrate on the task in hand, not to elaborate preparations. In fact they are to forgo even what would have been regarded as normal preparations for the journey. God will provide what they need and they are to trust Him for it…

Edersheim connects this with the rabbinic rule that one must not enter the temple precincts with staff, shoes and money-bag. ‘The symbolic reasons underlying this command would, in both cases, be probably the same: to avoid even the appearance of being engaged on other business, when the whole being should be absorbed in the service of the Lord.'”

Leon Morris in Luke (Downers Grove: IVP, 1988) 182-183 and Alfred Edersheim in The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, 2 vols. (1890: Pickering and Inglis, 1959) 1:643.

I flew home from Chicago last night, but the Northern Seminary students remain in my heart. I pray, like the first disciples, that as Morris says, that they will “travel light” and as Edersheim adds, that they will “be absorbed in the service of the Lord.” What about you?

This text relates to everyone who desires to follow Christ. We may think we need stuff and money to make things happen, and God wants us to let go of those things so we can learn to trust Him. In God we have everything we have ever needed and will ever need.

God worked then and still works now through willing servants willing to travel light through life. He supplies for those absorbed in His service. That leads to two questions. Are you traveling heavy? Are you distracted by other business?

The one who travels heavy rather than light reveals his or her heart struggles to trust God. If that’s you, ask God to help you today to trust Him to provide. God, help me follow You obediently trusting you to guide and provide. Make this so of my students and readers, Father!

The distracted person shows vacillating allegiance. Other things captivate their hearts. If that’s you, ask God to help you identify and get rid of what distracts you. In biblical terms, cut it off! God, help me let go of anything that draws my heart away from You. Do this in each of our lives for your glory, Jesus!