Evelyn Underhill: Wholly present

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In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. John 1:4

“The spiritual life does not begin in an arrogant attempt at some peculiar kind of other-worldliness, a rejection of ordinary experience. It begins in the humble recognition that human things can be very holy, full of God; whereas high-minded speculations about His nature need not be holy at all. Since all life is engulfed in Him, He can reach out to us anywhere at any level. The depth and richness of His eternal being are unknown to us. Yet Christianity declares that this unsearchable Life, which is in essence a self-giving Love, and is wholly present wherever it loves, so loved this world as to desire to reveal within it the deepest secret of His thought.”

Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941) in Advent with Evelyn Underhill, edited by Christopher L. Webber (Harrisburg: Morehouse, 2006) 67.

As you are reading this I am somewhere between Colorado and India, likely in Germany, en route so the airport header photo seemed fitting.

Underhill reminds us today that our faith is not merely one of high-minded speculations but very humble and wholly present where it loves. Is this true for your life? This struck me because it has not been the case with me recently. I find that when I am busy, I get distracted, and then I am not wholly present to be a light to others and to dispense self-giving love. Let us ask God to fill each of us with His light and love so that at home or wherever we go (by car or airplane or whatever form of transportation) we are wholly present and loving. This generous kindness at its best!

Father in heaven, help us leave the work we cannot control in Your hands, so our hands are free to love others well empowered by your Spirit. Fill us with your unsearchable Life so that in even the mundane areas of living we can bring your fullness. Do this I ask in the name of Jesus, Amen.