Charles Haddon Spurgeon: Spending and Increase

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Blessed are those whose strength is in You, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion. Psalm 84:5-7

“They go from strength to strength. So far from being wearied they gather strength as they proceed. Each individual becomes happier, each company becomes more numerous, each holy song more sweet and full. We grow as we advance if heaven be our goal. If we spend our strength in God’s ways we shall find it increase.

Every one of them in Zion appeareth before God. This was the end of the pilgrim’s march, the centre where all met, the delight of all hearts. Not merely to be in the assembly, but to appear before God was the object of each devout Israelite. Would to God it were the sincere desire of all who in these days mingle in our religious gatherings. Unless we realise the presence of God we have done nothing; the mere gathering together is nothing worth.”

Charles Haddon Spurgeon in The Treasury of David (notes on verse 7). Special thanks to one of my prayer partners, Linnea Baney, for alerting me to this Psalm today.

Though this journey that I am on right now is long, I feel I am spending myself and increasing in strength by God’s grace. He seems to supply more richly only as I go along in deeper dependence. Notice that the rains fill the pools that can only be accessed from the road while on the journey.

It reminds me of the first disciples sent out by Jesus with no purse or bag. They had to learn by experience that God would supply. The pilgrims in these verses found this to be true. God supplied along the way. Despite traversing desert country, they always had sufficient water.

What’s the connection to us today and for our generosity?

Sometimes we traverse deserts when moving toward God’s presence. It’s hard. But with fellow pilgrims our hearts can find refreshment along the way as we trust in Him and make the journey. We go from strength to strength. It does not mean we won’t suffer. It means we will be sustained until we meet God.

Read all of Psalm 84 for abundant nourishment for your journey.