Blaise Pascal: Benefit

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Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore He will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him! Isaiah 30:18

“If the compassion of God is so great that He instructs us to our benefit, even when He hides Himself, what light ought we not to expect from Him when He reveals Himself?”

Blaise Pascal in Pensées (New York: Dutton, 1958) pensée #847.

Our compassionate God instructs us for our benefit, though He does it in a manner that only those who seek Him find Him. Those who wait on Him can expect great light.

What does this have to do with generosity? Our God works to our benefit and reveals what we need when we wait on Him. As conduits of blessing, we can trust Him to provide what we need.

With regard to generosity, sometimes the benefits we receive and share are not material but are precisely what we or others need. To get light is to receive discernment or direction.

May our generosity reflect that of our compassionate God. May it be just what people need and serve as light to them. And let us wait on Him with confident expectation to supply richly.