Clement of Alexandria: Full Again

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“The poor and needy search for water, but there is none; their tongues are parched with thirst. But I the Lord will answer them; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them. I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs.” Isaiah 41:17-18

“We should possess only what we can carry with us on our journey: a light burden, therefore… Any who want to climb the hard path ought to have a good staff, namely the practical helping of the poor. Any who want to share the true rest should show themselves generous to the afflicted… Look at the well of spring water. We draw some off and the water returns to its previous level. It is the same with true generosity, where the spring is love for one’s neighbor. When generosity gives drink to the thirsty, it wells up again and is full again at once.”

Clement of Alexandria in Paedagogus [The Teacher] 3, 7 (PG8, 609) in Drinking from the Hidden Fountain: A Patristic Breviary, Ancient Wisdom for Today’s World, ed. by Thomas Spidlik (Kalamazoo: Cistercian, 1994) 304-305.

Even as God makes a well full again once a cup of water is drawn out of it, God can supply what we need if we share generously from what we have with someone in need. He desires us to travel light on the journey of life and care generously with those in need around us.

This especially true in hard times. Notice in today’s Scripture can God can do this in barren heights and in parched ground. The question is whether or not we will experience it. I want to challenge you to give generously in these difficult days. He can make you full again.