Augustine of Hippo: Go Together

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After this the Lord appointed seventy others and sent them on ahead of Him in pairs to every town and place where He Himself intended to go. Luke 10:1

“Do not allow your clothing to attract attention; seek to please not by the clothes you wear, but by the life you live. Whenever you leave the house, go together; wherever you are going, stay together. In your walk, posture, all external comportment, do nothing to offend anyone who sees you. Act in a manner worthy of your holy profession.”

Augustine of Hippo in The Rule of St. Augustine 4.1-3. The text of the rule is adapted from George Lawless’ translation in Augustine of Hippo and His Monastic Rule (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987), included in Constitutions of the Order of Preachers (Dublin: Dominican Publications, 2012).

As we go, we must focus on going together and adorning ourselves with good deeds. This counsel from Augustine fits in line with the explicit instructions of Jesus in today’s Scripture.

The world focuses on pleasing people with fancy or fine clothing. Sadly, this perspective has found its way into the Church. It’s a matter of the heart and reveals whom we are seeking to please.

This also may mean not to have shabby clothing either that might attract negative attention. Simple living that makes margin for generosity calls for simple clothing.

And notice the reason why we must “go together” with keen attention to our comportment according to Jesus. We must go where He is leading and then He will show up. Notice the faith required on our part.

Friends, whatever God is calling you to do today. Dress simply, travel light, go together, and trust that God will show up in a powerful way. But each of us must take the first steps in obedience.