Michael Oh: Error

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Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Romans 12:12-13

“How are we to give? Toward our financial poverty that many might have spiritual wealth. Leaders cannot shy away from talking about money simply from fears about the abuses of prosperity theology. We need to urge biblical, generous giving — sacrificial giving — or we too will be in error.”

Michael Oh, Executive Director / CEO of The Lausanne Movement in his final address from Romans 12 at the Lausanne Global Consultation on Prosperity Theology, Poverty and the Gospel, on 30 March – 2 April 2014.

This is a fitting ending to our recent PG [prosperity gospel] analysis as it relates to generosity.

To avoid error we should give to our “financial poverty that many might have spiritual wealth.” And we should not avoid hard conversations about money. But the sobering reality is that each of us, at any time, can be in error.

How can we avoid this? We need to make sure our giving reflects the biblical and generous model of sacrifice. Any margin we have belongs to God for others.

For further reading on this from the Lausanne Library, here’s a great book for stewards, The Grace of Giving: Money and The Gospel and The Gift of Accountability by John Stott and Chris Wright.

This resource connects two components, generosity and accountability, to help God’s workers avoid error. And peer accountability groups like AfCAA for Africa exist to aid ministries in avoiding error.

If you have not taken the opportunity to give to help AfCAA meet the AfCAA@5 match, give today. It’s at $2,089 USD toward the goal of $5,000 USD with 25 days to go. Give as you are able.