Summer Allen: Increasingly involved or markedly less

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And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25

“One study found that people who were born before World War II (1924-1938) gave more money to religious charities as they aged, and this giving grew faster than their income. However, according to this single study, baby boomers give less to religious and secular charities in middle adulthood than expected (as extrapolated from the giving of the prewar cohort). Both giving patterns appear to mirror changes in religious attendance—the prewar cohort was increasingly involved in religion as they aged, whereas the boomers have been markedly less involved in religion.”

Summer Allen in “The Science of Generosity” White Paper produced by the Greater Good Science Center.

As I share this research, let me remind everyone not to point fingers or take pride in the results but to consider how each of us relates to the findings. We must also spur each other on to growth. Are you increasingly involved in God’s work or engaged markedly less?

The author of Hebrews reminded us to spur each other on to love and good deeds and not to give up meeting together. That habit surfaced in the early church and prevails today. Studies like this inspire us to tell people exchange cultural trends for Christian truths.

Don’t grow increasingly selfish and greedy but pursue selflessness and generosity. This can happen to any of us. We avoid this, in part, by staying connected to others. How do your connections to others help you grow in generosity?

Today I have meetings with key Christian workers in Poland related to accountability and generosity. Our partner 4D Ministries set up these important connections. My posture focuses on asking questions and offering assistance.

I appreciate your prayers for favor for GTP in Eastern Europe. So far the response has been great, thanks to God’s grace and the prayers of many people. Please keep praying and support GTP as you are able to advance this important work.