John Chrysostom: He bestows suffering

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I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18

“If the Lord should give you power to raise the dead, He would give much less than He does when he bestows suffering. By miracles you would make yourself debtor to Him, while by suffering He may become debtor to you. And even if sufferings had no other reward than being able to bear something for that God who loves you, is not this a great reward and a sufficient remuneration? Whoever loves, understands what I say.”

John Chrysostom (c. 247-407).

I have suffering on my mind. I experienced it for a short season. Others continue to endure it.

God must have some really awesome stuff in mind for the people of Ukraine because they continue to endure so much suffering. I wonder if He is refining them for a harvest of souls.

And while I was there, I saw both miracles and suffering with my friend Milan.

On our journey, Milan quoted Albert Einstein, who said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

I like this vision that everything around us is a miracle, including the enduring of suffering.

How do you suffer? Sometimes I shine. Often I whine. And I don’t see it as a great reward. I have room for growth here in life after Lent.

What about you? How might our perspective on suffering need to change to become something we welcome for our refinement?

Jenni and I are in Mikulov, Czech Republic, with Gabriel Hakulin, GTP Regional Facilitator for Europe, and his wife Majka, and Steve Kerr, GTP Regional Facilitator for South Pacific, and his wife, Kate.

Today, we will welcome about 25 influential Christian professionals, pastors, and ministry workers for meetings on 2-4 April 2024 aimed at activating a peer accountability group (like ECFA in USA) for Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead and guide every person and every aspect of these meetings for the glory of God and the transformation of ministry administration and governance in Eastern Europe.