Barnabas of Cyprus: Good Paymaster

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For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. 2 Corinthians 5:10

“Think about the day of judgment night and day, and seek out the company of the saints every day, either laboring through the word and going out to com­ fort another, being concerned to save a life through the word, or working with your hands as a ransom for your sins. Do not doubt whether to give, nor grumble while giving. But recognize who is the good Paymaster of the reward. Guard the injunctions you have received, neither adding to them nor taking away. Completely hate what is evil. Give a fair judgment.”

Joseph (died A.D. 61) a.k.a. Barnabas, a Levite from Cyprus in the Epistle of Barnabas 19:10-11.

I had a priceless lunch yesterday in the company of a saint who has been a Barnabas to me. As I mentioned in my post yesterday, he gave the lead gift to start GTP just more than five years ago.

He’s 84 years young, in good health, and still working hard as a faithful steward trying to liquidate his interest in a shrinking portfolio of buildings and businesses.

Pray with me for him and for stewards like him that pray for buyers and deals to get sorted so they can store up those treasures in heaven through giving while they are living.

It was a lunch that reflected a mix of food, fellowship, and worship. We praised God for the many fruits of GTP through his encouragement and giving and the service of our team. See GTP at 5 for details.

And in our conversation we talked about what “finishing well” looks like in anticipation of meeting the Lord. In today’s Scripture, Paul reminds us we will all have to give an account before God.

And Barnabas urges us not to doubt or grumble in our giving and serve as faithful stewards knowing the good Paymaster will reward us. He emphasizes the importance of having our hearts right before God in our giving and our living.