Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Colossians 3:5
“The virtue of poverty is a consequence of faith. In Scripture it is the state of the person who has unconditionally placed his life in the Lord’s hands and therefore turns the reins of control over to Him without seeking any other security.
Consequently, rectitude of intention is essential for effectively resolving to be poor in spirit. A person must not place his confidence in impermanent goods though he may happen to possess them. Many Christians are tempted by the attractions of the modern cult of consumerism.
When life is given over to the accumulation of material wealth, money itself becomes a god. Such idolatry as the apostle Paul warned the first Christians against should never even be named among them.
This tendency causes people to forget the immense treasure of God’s love, the only real good that can truly fill the human heart. We should have the firm intention of serving only one master, since no one can serve two.”
Francis Fernandez in In Conversation with God: Meditations for Each Day of the Year, volume 1 (London: Scepter, 1988) 194-195.
Read this sentence again. “The virtue of poverty is a consequence of faith.” Do you realize the implications of this. Remember the poor in spirit get the kingdom of heaven.
It means you only get the kingdom of heaven when you show by how you handle wealth that you have let go of the kingdom of this world. It’s a consequence of faith.
Too many people, even some readers of these Daily Meditations, have material wealth and bank balances that reveal their membership in the modern cult of consumerism.
If that’s you, then it’s time for some “rectitude of intention” as Fernandez would put it. Or in plain terms, for righteous intention turn to action.
Why store up treasures in heaven and live a life dependent on God? Why abandon the world’s way of thinking and live fully for Him? You get the kingdom.
You don’t figure it out until you live it out. And you are sustained by “the immense treasure of God’s love, the only real good that can truly fill the human heart.”
What are you waiting for? Jesus would say, “Go and sell those goods, share them with those in need and find treasure in heaven.” Paul would say, “Give to your church and others in ministry.”
Right now I am praying for monthly givers to GTP. We have 37 and we need more than 100 by year end to convince foundations considering major gifts that we have regular givers.
They will give us grants if we exceed that mark. Pray with me for monthly givers to GTP. Set up monthly giving here. Also pray as we have work lined up to empower Christian workers in some needy places.
In the next 3 months, if the Lord wills, I plan to message you from places like Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana, El Salvador, India, and Sri Lanka where I have open doors for ministry.
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